Host your own version of a map for free
This is a tutorial on how to use OSRM to host a local version of your map so as to query it as opposed to querying the readily available services on the internet like google maps, mapbox, routific, etc. Each has its own weaknesses and strengths, the strength points of OSRM are speed, freedom to manipulate the map data and zero costs. First we need to download the map data, The bigger the area, the more time it will take to extract the map data and the more RAM it will occupy when hosted, and this thing is hungry for RِAM. We can extract and host it on a server which we will discuss later, We can download the compressed daily updated map data which can be found on , download the osm.pbf file which is a compressed file, you can also click on any of the regions, like Europe or wherever you want, to get a sub region and download it. Or you can also use , which can be a bit ...